职位要求: | 1. 3-6年平面设计经验;有IT产品、快消行业或4A广告公司工作经历者优先。 2. 对创新和实现极致的作品充满激情;作品充满自信且具代表性;3. 具有灵活性和团队感,能适应快节奏工作环境; 4. 具有娴熟的交流和协调能力,中英文流利者优先; 5. 精通Adobe设计系列及其他辅助软件; 6. 本科以上学历,视觉艺术/视觉传达专业优先。 You have 3 to 6 years experience in graphic design, candidates with IT, FMCG or 4A Advertising agency background are preferred. Demonstrate a passion for producing innovative and amazing work that is iconic and confident. Flexible and a team player, that can adapt to a fast paced work environment. Excellent communication and coordination skills, fluent English & Chinese preferred. Proficient in adobe creative suite + supporting software’s for relevant projects. Bachelor or above degree in visual art. |
工作地点: |
北京-朝阳 |
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